a bit about me
In 2020, I experienced acute derealisation for the first time, triggered by a traumatic event. In this half out-of-body state, the outer noise around me diminished, while my inner soundscape was amped up to 11.
This is when I strongly connected with the voice of my intuition. Suddenly all things were put into perspective for me. The pettiness of day to day problems became apparent in light of the situation at hand.
From this place of clarity, I decided to radically redesign my life. The shock I had suffered meant that the job I was working was no longer sustainable for me. I needed time away to heal both physically and mentally.
My intuitive mind knew this but my rational mind was slow to keep up. So, I decided to follow my intuition and curiosity. Search out sparks of aliveness and see where they led me.
At the end of a two year journey I ended up moving country, leaving my job, and starting my own business. However, creating such dramatic changes was emotionally overwhelming and ultimately led to me burning out.
I came to understand that creating change doesn't simply involve diving head first into things with oodles of self-belief. It's much deeper than that, with many subtle traps and pitfalls along the way.
After having gone through the fires of personal transformation, it is now my passion to help people navigate the inner dimension of creating change by cultivating greater self awareness, removing mental blocks, and tapping into their innate creativity.